Friday, October 29, 2010

Hard-set eggs

Another thing sous vide is good for is making hard-boiled, or hard-set, eggs. They never actually boil in a sous vide, or at least they don't need to. I did mine in my rice cooker from room temperature water up to 185' for 45 minutes and they came out about perfect. The yolk was not chalky or sulfurous smelling, like over-cooked, hard-boiled eggs can be.

On the stovetop I've also gotten good results by putting the eggs in cold water and cooking over medium-high heat until the water starts to simmer. Then I turn off the heat and let them set for awhile.

Starting with cold water is supposed to keep the eggs from cracking because they warm up more slowly.

In a Rice cooker (times might vary in another device because it might heat up more slowly)

45 minutes total from room temperature water
185' Target temperature
