Monday, January 25, 2010


I have become, as I like to say, Carnibbleous.  What's that mean?  Well, it's low carb with a vengeance.  I am eating nothing but meat and eggs, with adequate spices of course.   In sticking to my philosophy of food should be fun I do use garlic, onion, lemon juice, spices, herbs and even continue to eat the occasional egg custard with non-caloric sweetener. 

Why?  Well, after the holidays my weight went up a couple of pounds but it seemed like I was much fatter than my weight.  It wasn't coming down by my usual techniques so knowing there's a growing trend on the low carb forum I frequent towards eating meat-only, I figured I would give it a try.  I've done it before, for about a week.  It was ok, I lost a quick 5 pounds, but that was before my metabolism seemed to utterly derail about a year ago.

So I started again this time, thinking it would maybe be a week or two and I could shed some quick weight.  Ha!  I knew I was kidding myself.  Nothing is ever quick about weight loss for me.  I have the metabolism of a anesthetized tree-sloth.  I can reduce my calories drastically and maintain my weight.  I'm looking into possible hormonal reasons, especially involving leptin resistance or perhaps thyroid resistance, for this but for now just know that I'm a very disciplined dieter and things just don't work for me that should.

So I'm a couple weeks into this all-meat thing, I started before my monthly cycle.  I seem to have about 7-10 days of a weight loss window because after that, hormonal changes happen and it all just stops.  So my first 10 days of being a carnivore was just pretty much nothing happened.  Now that the monthly cycle is over, I've managed to drop a few pounds.  About 4 or so.

But the interesting thing with carnivory is how one feels about food.  You would think, wow eating nothing but meat has got to be boring.  But with a few cooking skills meat is utterly wonderful.  So wonderful we usually make it the centerpiece of our meals, right?  Or at least, that was what we did traditionally.   When I'm carnivorous I do get hungry and very interested in eating.  So I have my meat or eggs and then my interest in eating shuts off entirely and doesn't come back for a very long time, depending on how much meat I had and what type.  

So a typical day of eating for me might be: 

Morning:  A nice sized Italian sausage with nose-searing mustard.
Lunch: A large pork chop with duck reduction sauce.
Late Dinner: Another sausage -- maybe a small bowl of custard.

At lunch I get so full I don't eat again until 8pm or later.  And dinner is quite small, as is breakfast.

Now why am I not bored?  Good grief, I have 2 meals that are nearly identical?  Well, maybe this me or perhaps it has something to do with eating nothing but meat but I just don't get tired of it.  When hunger comes it comes on pretty strong and the saying "appetite is the best sauce" is very, very true.  Everything tastes extremely good when you're really hungry.  I experimented with Intermittent Fasting for awhile and found that food never tasted so good as when you are really and truly hungry and have been so for awhile.  Well, it seems my all-meat experience does the same thing.

 One thing I think makes a diet successful is simplicity and nothing is more simple than eating nothing but meat and eggs.   You don't get hung up on rules or counting anything.   Also the meal preparation for me is usually extremely easy.  I have my sous vide setup which I use daily, then just sear my meat.  One time I had some lamb stew which was lamb meat, egg, lemon, spices.  Wonderful stuff.  I made the mustard crusted chicken, and have another batch ready to go. 

With Sous Vide I can do things like prepackage the pork chops with a pat of compound butter (made with fresh thyme and roasted garlic) and drop it in the bath in the morning.  At lunch I remove it and sear it.  Warm my duck sauce in the microwave and serve it with that.   I bought a bunch of super thick pork chops at Costco for a great price.  When I run out of meat, I think I'll go for the lamb stew again.

Anyway, that is carnivory as I practice it, in a nut-shell.  I feel fine.  In fact, my IBS issues are non-existent when I do this so it leads me to believe there's something in the plant kingdom my gut really doesn't like that I haven't figured out yet.  My energy levels are fine, for me, and my arthritis seems better.  In some ways it makes me a little sad, I love eating plants, but if one feels better NOT eating them, it seems obvious doesn't it?

Well lets see how this goes, it is still early in the process.


Anonymous said...

I have tried the all meat and eggs approach in the past and found that my trips to the bathroom cease and desist! I wish you the best with it however!

Nancy said...

Oh, that's too bad! I usually have the opposite problem, too many trips to the bathroom, and the all-meat diet clears that up.

However, I think I'm discovering that eggs might be a problem food for me.

Delving into scatological issues... I don't poop as often on all meat, but I think that's just because I'm not eating so much fiber and don't have so much to eliminate. So it might be I go every other day. It isn't uncomfortable like constipation usually is.

water said...

what sort of effect(s) do you see with eggs? GI, neuro, mood?